Thursday, 18 August 2011

Silicon Valley billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands

 SeaSteading Institute City Design ( Anthony Ling)

Source... Yahoo News ( The lookout)

This is How Far the World has gone. Now there will be Sovereign Nations on distant seas.
Naija where we dey? Sincerely hope we are following.

Nigeria Launches NigeriaSat-1, X In Orbit

Nigeria yesterday, successfully, launched one of the most advanced earth observation satellites (Nigeriasat-2) of its kind that is commercially available in the imaging world into the orbit at exactly Nigerian time in Russia.

Nigeria Sat-X, which was built by Nigerian engineers trained at the same time the Sat-2 was being built as a demonstration that Nigeria can build and launch its satellite was launched alongside NigeriaSat-2.
With the launch of the two satellites, NigeriaSa-1, which has since overstayed its life span in orbit would be replaced...

I believe in Nigeria , just sincere efforts and commitments and we are on our way to the top! Thumps Up Naija on this one.