Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Nigeria Family Meeting- Attending

I'm calling a family meeting today
To discuss and weigh important issues
This calls for no more than necessary words
Nigeria our mother is sick to the death.

She was sick at the head
after she broke free from her abductors
then it grew worse and extended to her limbs
so no matter what prosthetic limbs we approved every 4years,
they can only be ill, corrupt and malfunction.

Now her whole system is infected-
her organs are shutting down
She can still feel her legs but her system won't support their movement
and so she lays immobile, vulnerable to every ailment known to man.

We invited healers from distant lands, they looted her jewelry
we called on our own, spiritualist, diviners, herbalists, physicians-
they altogether covet her possessions, seeking her death
We are left to save our mother, the choice of a miracle is in our hands!

She is dying but her heart still beats and she smiles sometimes in the midst of her agony
Our choices are limited, our pockets are feeling the hospital bills.
Keep her on life support and approve temporal cosmetic surgeries?
Transplant her heart to a new but functional body and forgo the remembrance of her face?

The doctors gave her a 50/50 chance to live,
but it all depends on what we do today;
And so the meeting comes to a close,
The surgeons await our response-change Nigeria or watch her die!

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